Retail lite SFTP integration

Wolt supports managing menus and updating items or inventory with traditional HTTP requests. Our SFTP solution helps us integrate with merchants who are not interested in integrating using our APIs due to lack of IT resources. With the SFTP solution you can achieve integration with Wolt to facilitate item and inventory updates using SFTP file-based integration.

What is SFTP?

SFTP allows our partners to drop their CSV or JSON files into an SFTP server that we provide for them. This server is a folder, similar to Google Drive, but for computers.

SFTP integration requirements

To set up an SFTP integration, the following requirements must be met.

1. Provide a public SSH key

Using our SFTP file based integration requires an SSH key pair. The key pair consists of a public and secret SSH key. You, our partner, generate the key pair and then share the public key with us. The secret must be stored securely in your own system.

We support SSH keys using RSA or ECDSA encryptions in OpenSSH format.

A separate key is needed for the production and test/dev environment

In order to generate SSH keys, please follow the instructions depending on your operating system.

Operating SystemLink

2. SFTP server credentials

Wolt will provide you with the SFTP server credentials. The credentials are:

  • Authentication method: SSH key.
  • Username: will be provided by Wolt account manager or technical account manager after the public SSH key has been shared with Wolt.
  • Hostname: different for test and production environments.
  • Sub-folder name: Wolt account manager or technical account manager will provide you with venueId and sub-folder names where you should drop each CSV or JSON file.
OperationPath for CSV filesPath for JSON files
Inventory update{venueId}/INVENTORY_UPDATE_CSV/{filename}.csv{venueId}/INVENTORY_UPDATE_JSON/{filename}.json
Item update{venueId}/ITEM_UPDATE_CSV/{filename}.csv{venueId}/ITEM_UPDATE_JSON/{filename}.json

3. Provide a CSV or JSON file with the client’s internal fields names

The example file must have a GTIN/SKU/Product ID column and at least one other column that contains data that needs to be consumed and updated.

When to upload CSV or JSON files?

The file uploads should happen as often as item data on your POS, ERP, or other system changes. The goal is to keep the Wolt menu as updated as possible.

Technical specification

  • Negative values are not accepted.

  • Duplicated GTIN/SKU/Product ID are not accepted.

  • The first column of the CSV file should contain the GTIN/SKU/Product ID.

  • The discounted price must be lower than the normal price.

  • The delimiter of decimal numbers for price and discounted prices can be either a dot or a comma. For example: 5.5 or 5,5.

  • Spaces inside the fields and column names are no supported. For example: "ITEM NO", "discounted price".

  • The file extension should always be in lowercase .csv or .json. If it is in uppercase there will be a permission denied error when dropping the file.