Integration onboarding authentication
This page is applicable only to venues integrated via self-service integration onboarding or Wolt-led integration onboarding. Venues using legacy credentials (basic authentication or API key) are not supported.
For venues integrated through self-service integration onboarding or Wolt-led integration onboarding, the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow is used to enable merchants (resource owners) to grant integration partners controlled access to their Wolt venues (resources).
Integration partners can then retrieve access and refresh tokens:
- Access tokens are used to call Wolt APIs.
- Refresh tokens are used to get new access and refresh tokens.
This flow ensures that integration partners can perform actions such as:
- Updating menus and inventory.
- Managing orders.
- Updating venue details, such as operating hours or availability.
Merchants retain full control over their data throughout this process. They can withdraw their consent at any time, which immediately revokes the integration partner's access to the venue, maintaining the security and privacy of the merchant's data.
Access and refresh tokens
When integrating with Wolt APIs using OAuth 2.0, two types of tokens are issued: access token and refresh token.
Access token
The access token is a short-lived credential used to authenticate API requests. It grants access to the Wolt APIs for the specific venue or resource to which it was issued. The access token must be included in the Authorization
header as a Bearer
token when making calls to Wolt API. Typically, the authorization code is only used for the initial exchange, and thereafter you should rely exclusively on the refresh token.
Access tokens are valid for one hour. Expired token can no longer be used to make API requests.
Refresh token
The refresh token is a long-lived credential used to obtain a new access token when the current access token expires.
Refresh tokens are valid for 30 days. However, the refresh token is single-use. Each request to exchange the refresh token for a new access token also returns a new refresh token. The returned refresh token must be cached and used in the next request to exchange refresh token for a new access token.
Exchange authorization code for access and refresh tokens
When you get a authorization code from self-service integration onboarding or Wolt-led integration onboarding you need to exchange it for access and refresh tokens.
The authorization code is single-use and valid for 1 hour. After that period, it expires and can no longer be used to obtain tokens. If the code expires, you will need to initiate the integration onboarding again after active integration is reset to receive a new authorization code.
Request flow
1. Integration partner sends authorization code to Wolt auth service
Your system sends the authorization code obtained through self-service integration onboarding or Wolt-led integration onboarding, your client ID and client secret to Wolt’s auth service.
2. Wolt auth service returns access and refresh tokens
Wolt’s auth service returns an access token and a refresh token. The authorization code is invalidated and can no longer be used.
3. Integration partner stores the tokens
Your system must store the refresh token returned in the response for later use. The refresh token is used to exchange it for new tokens when the current access token expires. You should avoid requesting new access token each time, and instead use the same access token as long as it's valid.
Base URL
Environment | Base URL |
Development | |
Production | |
Example request
curl -X POST \-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \-u "{{client_id}}:{{client_secret}}" \-d "grant_type=authorization_code" \-d "redirect_uri={{redirect_uri}}" \-d "code={{code}}"
Header name | Type | Description |
Authorization | Required | Authorization header using basic auth. Must be Base64 encoding of Example: |
Content-Type | Required | Must be Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded . |
Request fields
Field name | Type | Description |
code | Required | The authorization code you want to exchange. Example: |
grant_type | Required | Must be set to authorization_code . |
redirect_uri | Required | The redirect URL that was used to generate the authorization code. The value depends on the integration onboarding method you used:
Example: |
Example response
{"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImVmMmY2MGE5LTI0NzItNDZjMC1iYWQyLTQ2NzNiZTMwYTFjMCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOltdLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIxNGM5ZDFhMy04N2UzLTQ4NGMtODg5MS01MGJlMTJkNGU5ZDkiLCJleHAiOjE3MTAzNDQ4ODIsImV4dCI6e30sImlhdCI6MTcxMDM0MTI4MiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pbnRlZ3JhdGlvbnMtYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb24tc2VydmljZS5kZXZlbG9wbWVudC5kZXYud29sdGFwaS5jb20vIiwianRpIjoiZWU1N2ExZjItNTEyOC00ZDg4LThjNDAtNzExZmNiM2E4NmQzIiwibmJmIjoxNzEwMzQxMjgyLCJzY3AiOlsib2ZmbGluZSJdLCJzdWIiOiI2NWYxYmM4ZDhjOTk4ZTU2M2UzNDlmODEifQ.jGOWuVB5gsKzC7_R0GeiN40vxrqJHWXRyNMpnXpsIs-ajzf-G6TDqeMZTJHy6Z_68Y-zWDQ9UsiBqy9aoUG5Bvci-bDf12Rfs7ZOeBEO3E3j3EBFY0y_mYDyMIP2HCAZNIYD8Oxp9wOj3WLvAh8hkhA9xW5JldYqoz9o7x72fDKftOZgVnhf2EyMGq7Dg4miuOHtsCrk2UmdEtoo0vlfh4TtkQ9v-N8lutqHtAq4z4cCxN-dBVpfWGGsDtL-r_3Bj4HsyNI7vqnjxx4OW-COEBvBoYPZpE833lpgpoP3EqD0VcJmdNy5irCxSPQsZKsst6Eygv6yfJFpPKzXSpQpyOOF-oFhIyn9RtPh8WEIjUXqGsWncAZGfNrVU4OL0WVH4tkd4-cIT4YiKtbx8SLrWVLif6MfOmCWwRk029TA5Y99q_9eMcMYw03Pj6ktSlNsnNlGQj2AfmZEGNYA-CgGIM3sonJE2vtkw3gz1twEFVel54cV7p6O6XLHnJ3CDE2ZmZHssg0utbrZqCacc9OtIiH6EZkewc-UtvMRFf6qveh_f2RIYegv0WYjYdHPgY1eMA_RqPzZOdqau1Nh4StjJ4xapfMu5Ejvf95PmX0OJxHgIEKWDplD316R5zrqQmmdHvrB8qt2BwQocCjsPxyZzyHE381FjptoUeRijUpk-JI","expires_in": 3600,"refresh_token": "ory_rt_Vbtz4bfxjo5yG-l19DE34o1FKnFXASHuUQ7SyNkCykU.GqylnSfs7Rx0fo14kmcpUBwuvi-mXYyKWH-EIkjgRcA","scope": "offline","token_type": "bearer"}
Response fields
Field name | Description |
access_token | The access token issued by Wolt. Use this token to authenticate against Wolt APIs. |
expires_in | The lifetime of the access token in seconds. For example, the value 3600 denotes that the access token will expire in one hour from the time the token was generated. |
refresh_token | Refresh token which can be used to obtain new access and refresh tokens. You should cache the refresh token and use it to obtain a new access token when the current access token expires. |
scope | Scope of the token. The value offline indicates that the token can be used to obtain new access and refresh tokens. |
token_type | Indicates how the token should be for authentication. Will be bearer , which means the token should be included in the Authorization header of the request. |
Exchange refresh token for new access and refresh tokens
While you have a valid access token, avoid requesting a new one. Use the existing access token until it expires.
When your access token expires, you can use the refresh token to exchange it for a new access token. The refresh token can only be used once. Each time you exchange the refresh token for a new access token, a new refresh token will also be returned.
It is important that you store both of the new tokens. The new refresh token is required the next time you need a new access token.
If you lose the refresh token or it expires, the venue needs to re-integrated. To avoid disruption and ensure continued access to Wolt APIs, refresh token's validity must be proactively maintained. This is done by exchanging the refresh token for a new access token before the refresh token expires.
Please note that reusing the same refresh token in multiple requests will immediately deactivate and revoke the newly issued access and refresh tokens, a measure designed to prevent a security vulnerability known as replay attacks.
Request flow
1. Integration partner sends refresh token to Wolt auth service
Your system sends the current refresh token, your client ID and client secret to Wolt’s auth service.
2. Wolt auth service returns a new access token
Wolt’s auth service returns a new access token and a new refresh token. The previous access token and refresh token are invalidated and can no longer be used.
3. Integration partner stores the new refresh token
Your system must store the new refresh token returned in the response. This new refresh token is then used the next time you need to exchange refresh token for a new access token.
Base URL
Environment | Base URL |
Development | |
Production | |
Example request
curl -X POST \-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \-u "{{client_id}}:{{client_secret}}" \-d "grant_type=refresh_token" \-d "refresh_token={{refresh_token}}"
Header name | Type | Description |
Authorization | Required | Authorization header using basic auth. Must be Base64 encoding of Example: |
Content-Type | Required | Must be Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded . |
Request fields
Field name | Type | Description |
grant_type | Required | Must be set to refresh_token . |
refresh_token | Required | The refresh token obtained from the previous refresh request, or from exchanging authorization code for access and refresh tokens. |
Example response
{"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImVmMmY2MGE5LTI0NzItNDZjMC1iYWQyLTQ2NzNiZTMwYTFjMCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOltdLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIxNGM5ZDFhMy04N2UzLTQ4NGMtODg5MS01MGJlMTJkNGU5ZDkiLCJleHAiOjE3MTAzNDQ4ODIsImV4dCI6e30sImlhdCI6MTcxMDM0MTI4MiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pbnRlZ3JhdGlvbnMtYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb24tc2VydmljZS5kZXZlbG9wbWVudC5kZXYud29sdGFwaS5jb20vIiwianRpIjoiZWU1N2ExZjItNTEyOC00ZDg4LThjNDAtNzExZmNiM2E4NmQzIiwibmJmIjoxNzEwMzQxMjgyLCJzY3AiOlsib2ZmbGluZSJdLCJzdWIiOiI2NWYxYmM4ZDhjOTk4ZTU2M2UzNDlmODEifQ.jGOWuVB5gsKzC7_R0GeiN40vxrqJHWXRyNMpnXpsIs-ajzf-G6TDqeMZTJHy6Z_68Y-zWDQ9UsiBqy9aoUG5Bvci-bDf12Rfs7ZOeBEO3E3j3EBFY0y_mYDyMIP2HCAZNIYD8Oxp9wOj3WLvAh8hkhA9xW5JldYqoz9o7x72fDKftOZgVnhf2EyMGq7Dg4miuOHtsCrk2UmdEtoo0vlfh4TtkQ9v-N8lutqHtAq4z4cCxN-dBVpfWGGsDtL-r_3Bj4HsyNI7vqnjxx4OW-COEBvBoYPZpE833lpgpoP3EqD0VcJmdNy5irCxSPQsZKsst6Eygv6yfJFpPKzXSpQpyOOF-oFhIyn9RtPh8WEIjUXqGsWncAZGfNrVU4OL0WVH4tkd4-cIT4YiKtbx8SLrWVLif6MfOmCWwRk029TA5Y99q_9eMcMYw03Pj6ktSlNsnNlGQj2AfmZEGNYA-CgGIM3sonJE2vtkw3gz1twEFVel54cV7p6O6XLHnJ3CDE2ZmZHssg0utbrZqCacc9OtIiH6EZkewc-UtvMRFf6qveh_f2RIYegv0WYjYdHPgY1eMA_RqPzZOdqau1Nh4StjJ4xapfMu5Ejvf95PmX0OJxHgIEKWDplD316R5zrqQmmdHvrB8qt2BwQocCjsPxyZzyHE381FjptoUeRijUpk-JI","expires_in": 3600,"refresh_token": "ory_rt_Vbtz4bfxjo5yG-l19DE34o1FKnFXASHuUQ7SyNkCykU.GqylnSfs7Rx0fo14kmcpUBwuvi-mXYyKWH-EIkjgRcA","scope": "offline","token_type": "bearer"}
Response fields
Field name | Description |
access_token | The access token issued by Wolt. Use this token to authenticate against Wolt APIs. |
expires_in | The lifetime of the access token in seconds. For example, the value 3600 denotes that the access token will expire in one hour from the time the token was generated. |
refresh_token | Refresh token which can be used to obtain new access and refresh tokens. You should cache the refresh token and use it to obtain a new access token when the current access token expires. |
scope | Scope of the token. The value offline indicates that the token can be used to obtain new access and refresh tokens. |
token_type | Indicates how the token should be for authentication. Will be bearer , which means the token should be included in the Authorization header of the request. |
Making requests to Wolt APIs using access token
To call Wolt APIs, you need to include the access token in the Authorization
request header. The format of the header should be Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" \
For details about making requests to specific Wolt APIs, refer to our API references.
Extracting the Wolt venue ID from the access token
If the partner's system needs to programmatically access the Wolt venue ID of a venue integrated through one of the integration onboarding flows, it can be found in the decoded access token.
To extract the venue ID, you must first decode the access token. The token is a JWT (JSON Web Token), which can be split into three parts: header, payload, and signature. The venue ID is located within the payload, specifically under the integration claim.
Here’s a sample structure of a decoded access token (payload):
{"aud": [],"client_id": "c1dbd4af-7f74-4266-a991-ee95f81c65c0","exp": 1715077398,"iat": 1715073797,"integration": {"id": "6638c25240880a6de5848c6a","venue_id": "63fc7b2dd361f21d3475dbd7"},"iss": "","jti": "7c29ee83-dabf-46da-a85e-f8a9923c4529","nbf": 1715073797,"scp": ["offline"],"sub": "6638c25240880a6de5848c6a"}
In the example above, the venue_id (63fc7b2dd361f21d3475dbd7
) is found within the integration claim. This venue ID is unique to the merchant's venue and can be used in subsequent API requests to interact with that specific venue.
Resetting integration for development purposes
Resetting integration is only available in the development environment.
When testing various integration onboarding flows, integrated venues become unavailable for re-integration. To reset venue's integration send a DELETE request to reset integration endpoint.
curl -X DELETE{{venue_id}} \-H "Authorization: Basic {{credentials}}"
- venue_id: The Wolt venue ID of the venue to reset.
- credentials: Base64 encoding of
joined by a single colon:
. For exampleclient_id:client_secret